Broadcast Technology. Whether you are looking to broadcast from a professional studio, direct from location or via a webcam set-up, we have the technology and expertise to deliver. We will listen to your requirements and present you with the best options in a jargon free, easy to understand format to make the decision making process simple.
Speaker Preparation. Presenting live to camera is a daunting experience to all but the most experienced of professionals. But that doesn’t mean that it has to be stressful, and it certainly shouldn’t mean that it can’t be fun! Our content creators can help to edit and tweak (or write from scratch) your presentations to make sure that your message is perfected for a digital audience. Prior to the event your speakers can rehearse to their heart’s content, making sure that there are no surprises for them on the day.
Audience Participation. A digital event is no barrier to audience participation. Throughout the broadcast you can invite your audience to participate in live polls, Q&A sessions, mini-games and even live delegate networking. Whatever you want, we can provide.