Customer Service – We’ve built our reputation by offering great customer service as our standard. We understand that the digital world can be an intimidating place so do our best to make our services as transparent and jargon-free as possible. Ultimately we want our clients to enjoy the process of working with us and come away with a feeling of ownership over the project – we believe that this way you’ll get the most out of the experience.
Project Managers – Our Project Managers come from a range of backgrounds, meaning they each have a unique set of skills that can be utilised for your project. By taking the time to understand the nuances of your project we can make sure that we match you with the most suitable project manager for the task at hand.
Direct Access – Your Project Manager isn’t there to prevent you talking to our fantastic creative team, rather to help you make the most out of your converstations. All of our services are carried out in-house, meaning you have direct access to the people who are making your project happen. We can arrange regular catch-up and briefing sessions or host a consultation meeting in our offices.